Summer School
The European Capitals of the Future in the context of Innovation and Eco-sustainability
June 6-18, 2016
Themes and audience of the Summer School
Four main topics
- Territorial Clustering in a Global City: the Greater Paris
- Managing the "aftermath" of International Events: Turin
- Combining urban heritage and innovation: Rome
- Urban Innovation and Eco-sustainability: towards the Smart City, the Eco-city of Masdar.
This School will be related to the Master's degree (Professional and Research track) in Urban Planning and more generally, to Social Sciences, Sciences and Technologies, Management and Engineering, Sciences.
The aims of the Summer School
The transfer of cross-disciplinary knowledge (human and social sciences, and science) and culture; the transfer of learning approaches (Professional and Research Masters); and the transfer of skills in working groups, mixing students, young researchers and external professionals.
Main Activities
Work Shop: 60h = 5 ECTS The workshop is the main collective activity along.Four groups mixing students and/or young professionals stemming from different countries will work together -each of them on a specific topic - in various brainstorming and debriefing sessions, assisted by a team of lecturers (a binomial of professionals and teachers) during 12 days. It will be located at the Palais de Tokyo. Workshop proposes four themes: 1-Building the positive energy city; 2 - The digital space for new uses; 3 - Managing biodiversity in the urban tecture; 4 - Making Urban Cluster. Each group conceived in Collaboration with the organizations partners of the workshop will be available in each group. Four study tours will be organized for each workshop site. The UTC Fab-Lab will make to fabric "digital models".
Research Seminar : 32h = 3 ECTS The seminar of Research includes two methodological sessions and three thematic sessions: 1 - Urban Substainable Project; 2 - Building positive energy spaces; 3 - Digital City. It well be supervised by ENeC laboratory reseachers with other reseacher's partners coming from UTC (University of Technology of Compiegne), The aim of the Sminar is to help young reseachers (doctoral students) write a scientific article on the themes of Summer School. Specific teaching material will be provided.
Other activities: 20h = 2 ECTS • Opening congress: international relevant speakers will open the Summer School. • Thematic Sessions: 5 thematic sessions on the topic of Summer School, including a study tour and meeting with main Greater Paris actors • Social Events
The results
Workshop: an urban design project or a strategic plan (broad-based strategic lines) as a result of the workshop. The best work will be published in an international review.
Seminar of Research: a report written in the form of a scientific paper link to the project, which, as a result of seminar of research, shall be published in the IJKBD Journal (International Journal of Knowledge Based Development). The end result will present the vision of the European Smart City.
Key elements
The School may accommodate up to 32 participants (24 from partner institutions and 8 external ones).
Meeting with main policy makers and professionals involved in the Greater Paris Project.
A staff of professionals involved in the Master of Urban Planning of Paris Sorbonne, will embed the teachers international staff.
International speakers of the highest level will also attend this Summer School.
A certificate will be issued following training completion.
Unit Credit Valuation is possible (5 ECTS for Workshop and 5 ECTS for Seminar of Research and Thematic Sessions).
Registration Fees: The Summer School is free for students of all partner institutions. The registration fee for externals will be 1.000E.