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Paris-Sorbonne University

Dr.Marianne Cohen


Full professor, geography, biogeography, University Paris Sorbonne, Geography and Land Use Planning Department, UMR 8185 ENeC. Key-words: landscape, spatial interactions between social and ecological processes, socio-ecological resilience in extreme and critical environments. Urban environment and social inequalities. She has a considerable experience in directing interdisciplinary teams and tasks, in environmental research programs. She is Chairman of the Scientific Council of the project Landscape, Territories and Transition, French Ministry of Ecology. Project manager of the Institute of the environmental transition, COMUE Sorbonne University, with Laurence Eymard, Luc Abbadie (UPMC), and Denis Couvet (MNHN).

Dr.Xavier Desjardins


Full professor at the Université Paris-Sorbonne and a member of ENEC, a research centre specialized in Geography and Urban Planning. His research focuses on three issues: local governance, especially through the cases of transport and housing, interactions between mobility and territorial development, concepts and tools of urban and regional planning. Recently he was guest editor for a special issue of Town Planning Review on linking rail and urban development: reflections on French and British experience. He is a scientific advisor of the Sustainable development ministry..

Dr.Louis Dupont


Full professor of geography at Paris-Sorbonne University. He taught in the United States (Saint Lawrence University, New York) and in Canada (Université du Québec à Montréal). His PH.D (1992) in geography is from the University of Ottawa (Ontario, Canada). His field of study is cultural and social geography; he focuses on the modern world, culture as a signifying and structuring process within modernity, and on cultural diversity and cultural interactions. His recent works dealt with multiculturalism and the "vivre-ensemble" (a geographical essay), and on masculinity. He is the Director of the CNRS Research Laboratory, Espace, Nature et Culture, in Paris and is also at the head of a Master specialty in geography, called "Culture, Politics and Heritage".

Edith Fagnoni


Full Professor at the University of Paris Sorbonne (Director of the teachings in the Department of Geography and Planning).

His research focuses on the territorial development (redevelopment) in the crisis contexts. The central reflection driven by transformation in territories in search of new  identity  is based on two main topics: tourism-leisure and culture-heritage.

The dialectic envisaged reversibility-irreversibility in its spatial character and associated with the dialectical heritage / modernity is at the center of the issues discussed around four research themes that unite its work: the issue of de-industrialization and  territorial development (or redevelopment); the tourism-leisure in development projects; the issue of heritage process, particularly from industrial heritage; and issues of urban regeneration through culture. She is a member of ENEC Lab (Space, Nature and Culture, UMR 8185) - University Paris-Sorbonne  and associate member of the EA 7337 EIREST (Interdisciplinary Team REcherche On Tourism) - University of Paris 1 Panthéon- Sorbonne she co-directed until the end of 2015.

Dr.Delphine Gramond


Associated professor (tenure) at the University of Paris-Sorbonne on a chair of Physical Geography (hydrology, biogeography & climatology) and membre of ENEC UMR 8185 CNRS. Her research focus environmental dynamics of hydrosystems, conservation and management of biodiversity and nature in various context in Europe area and Near East area (Morocco, Turkey). She is member of scientific advisory board of The Virtual University Environment & Sustainable Development (UVED). In University of Paris-Sorbonne, she is the co-head in the master specialty « Environnement ». She has published several scientific papers about wetlands and biodiversity especially, most often in national and international peer-reviewed journals.

Dr. Patrizia Ingallina


Architect, Geographer and Planner, Full Professor at the University of Paris Sorbonne. Major Researches: urban knowledge based projects, territorial attractiveness, university planning, spatial and social innovation. She was appointed Professor at the Politecnico di Torino. Director of the Master 2 training in Urban Planning (Axis: Urban Project), University of Paris Sorbonne. She is in charge of two IDEX Super (Initiative of Excellence, ANR) SU : the International Summer School “The European capitals of the future in the context of innovation and eco-sustainability” and the International Research Seminar ““Digital technology and renewable energies for eco-sustainable knowledge cities”, from 6- 18 of June 2016, in Paris.

Paris-Sorbonne University / Lab ENeC – UMR 8185, PhD Students

Telman Azarmahd


Telman Azarmahd is a PhD candidate at the ENeC lab (Paris-IV Sorbonne University). He is an engineer from IFP School (French Institute of Petroleum) and a graduate from ESSEC Business School in Paris (Master of Science in Management). He also holds a master’s degree from Paris-Dauphine University specialized in energy economics.

Telman has extensive international work experience in the energy sector, having previously worked in Canada on onshore oil and gas fields as well as in Azerbaijan for the State Oil Company (SOCAR). He currently works for TOTAL in Paris in the New Energies branch.

His main research topics target the energy sector from a spatial and urban economics perspective. His current PhD dissertation analyses innovative and sustainable business models for energy distribution networks in the context of urban transformations in the 21st Century (smart cities and sustainable territories).

Louis Boisgibault


He is a Senior Lecturer and a final year PhD student at Paris-Sorbonne. He has been lecturing courses on Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency in the Master Program Energy Finance Carbon of Université Paris-Dauphine and in other major institutions. His research is about territories and energy transition, with field work in the new European Metropolis of Lille, in Southern France Pays de Fayence, in Morocco and West Africa. He is the author of publications such as Constraint Carbon in the Mediterranean (IPEMED, 2011), COP21 objectives: towards a joint energy transition in the Mediterranean?

Yasmina Khainès


She is an architect and urban planner (Mouloud Mammeri University, Algeria, 2012). She obtained a Masters degree in Urban Planning at the University of Paris Sorbonne on the theme of “ digital university planning”. It is currently PhD students at the Sorbonne University Lab ENeC under the direction of Professor Patrizia INGALLINA. She collaborated with the CIRTA  (Communauté pour l'Innovation et la Recherche sur les Technologies dans l'enseignement/Apprentissage).  She is a teacher in Bachelor of Geography  at Sorbonne university and at Paris 13 university.

Paris-Sorbonne University / Responsible for professional courses

Amine Benaissa


He is an architect planner who acts for public and private clients on territorial, urban and real estate projects. Specialist of large scale particularly in the Mediterranean, he led a Council activity in two specific areas: strategic planning and the management of real estate complex projects. He took part also in operational planning operations in cities consolidated as is the case of Paris, Barcelona or the project of greater Algiers where he intervened between 2006 and 2014. He taught since 20 years the strategic planning and management of complex projects in various institutions and training (Institut d'Urbanisme of Paris and the University of Paris Sorbonne). He is the author of numerous publications.

Florence Robert


Florence Robert is a landscape-architect, member of the FFP since 1995. She is associated with Frédéric Bœuf, architect and photographer, and they started up the rb&Cie’s landscape workshop in Bagneux (92), France in 2000. She took part in Naturparif conference “Which nature downtown”, in Paris (June 2014). She intervenes within the framework of Master 1, in Urban Planning, University of Paris Sorbonne, with a course on “History of the Landscape”.

University of Technology of Compiègne

Dr. Eduard Antaluca


Associate Professor in Computer Aided Design at Sorbonne University, Université de Technologie de Compiègne. He is responsible for an architectural and urban digital model courses (BIM and CIM) in Urban Systems Engineering Department and supervises student’s projects on 2D and 3D modeling of buildings and urban environment. He is jointly responsible for the PLEMO3D platform, which is a mobile instrumental platform, mutualized by several laboratories of Sorbonne University, using innovative technologies from 3D laser scanners, 3D digital optical microscopy and 3D photogrammetry for architecture, archeology, art history, cultural heritage and urban planning 3D modeling.

Dr.Carine Henriot


Associate Professor of Urban Planning at Sorbonne University, Université de Technologie de Compiègne. Her research work deals with Chinese urban production and social reception within a context of accelerated urbanization and innovation ; the drivers of housing suburbanization, and the socio-spatial integration vs. segregation of new urbanized peripheries within Shanghai metropolitan area.

Nathalie Molines

 Associate professor in the Department of Urban Systems Engineering at Compiegne University of Technology since 2006. She is responsible of the AIE option (Planning and Environmental Engineering) since 2007. She was at the head of the GSU Department teaching from February 2009 to September 2015.She completed her PhD between France ( Université J. Monnet de Saint-Etienne) and Canada (Université Laval-Québec).
Prior to moving to UTC, she served as post doctoral fellow, first at the forestry faculty of Laval Universty (contribution of cartographic representations in the concerted management procedures of the Quebec forest), and second in the Architectural School of Nantes (assessment of sustainable urban area).
She teaches two courses:  "GIS", and «Planning and environment" and  supervises one  workshop per  year. The latest concerns the use of the aerial thermography image of the Agglomeration of Compiegne.Her research interests concern the decision support for land management and sustainable cities. The combination of GIS and multi-criteria analysis methods allows her to carry out his research.

Dr. Manuela Sechilariu


Ph.D. and HDR degrees in electrical engineering she is an Associate Professor with Sorbonne University, Université de Technologie de Compiègne. Manuela has delivered several invited lectures and has published more than 60 refereed scientific and technical papers in international journals and conferences, with over 420 citations (SCOPUS), on topics such as renewable energy systems, including microgrids, photovoltaic-powered systems, economic dispatch optimization, supervisory control, and Petri Nets and Stateflow modeling. Recently she published the book Urban DC microgrid, Elsevier, in May 2016.

Pierre et Marie Curie University

Dr. Jacopo Staiano


He is a post-doctoral researcher at Sorbonne Universités and a research affiliate at the Harvard-ODI-MIT DataPop Alliance. He holds a PhD in Information and Communication Technology from the University of Trento, Italy. Visiting Researcher at Stanford University, MIT Media Lab, and Telefonica Research. He has received the Best Paper Award at ACM Ubicomp 2014 for his work on the economics of personal mobile data. Specialized in Human Behavior Understanding, his works connect Social Sciences with Information Engineering. His current research interests include Computational Social Science, Pervasive and Urban Computing, and Privacy.

Politecnico di Torino

Dr.Marta Bottero


Graduated in Environmental Engineering and Ph.D. in Geo-Environmental Engineering, Marta is Associate Professor in Planning Evaluation and Project Appraisal at the Department of Regional and Urban Studies and Planning of Politecnico di Torino. Her scientific interests mainly focus on methodologies, techniques and tools for supporting sustainability assessment of urban and territorial transformations. 

Dr.Giancarlo Cotella


Associate professor of Spatial Planning at DIST – Interuniversity Department of Regional and Urban Studies and Planning (Politecnico di Torino). His research activity focuses on the comparison of territorial governance and spatial planning systems and, more in particular, on the Europeanization of spatial planning. Moreover, he recently conducted research on the potential synergies and trade-offs between low-carbon transition and energy security in EU cities and regions. He has been visiting scholar in Germany, Greece, England, Estonia, Japan, Poland and Turkey.

Dr.Cristina Pronello


She is associate professor at Politecnico di Torino, Interuniversity Department of Regional and Urban Studies and Planning; she was before full professor at Université Lumière Lyon2, LET (Laboratoire d’Economie des Transports). She is member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the JPI Urban Europe and she was (2006-2014) Chair of the COST Domain Committee Transport and Urban Development and served in the ECTRI board from 2005 to 2013. Her scientific interests are mainly focused to the travel behaviour, the effects of ITS on users behaviours, the sustainable mobility, the mobility surveys and the environmental impacts from transport systems.

Université Roma Tre

Dr.Luca Montuori


Architect, associate professor in architectural design at Roma Tre University. Co-founder of under office 2tr architecture that received the “Amate l’architettura” award for its design of the Archeological Park Artena, also mentioned for the Gold medal at the Triennale di Milano. In 2011 2tr's project for new public spaces in Santa Fiora received a special mention at the Piranesi Prix de Rome. As a member of the scientific committee of the Casa dell’Architettura in Rome (since 2007) he has been involved in the organisation of several initiatives, talks, conferences and exhibitions.

Dr.Elisabetta Pallottino


Architect, Full Professor in Architectural Restoration, Head of Department of Architecture of University of Roma Tre.  She teaches History of Cultural Heritage and Restoration of Historic Monuments and Architectural Cultural Heritage. She is also director of the Master’s degree in Architectural Restoration and Cultural Heritage and of the Scientific College for the Research Doctorate in Architecture: innovation and heritage (Polytechnic of Bari - University of Roma Tre, XXXII). Expertise’s and Research fields: restoration and enhancement of the architectural and archeological heritage of cultural and urban landscapes predominantly Italian.

Dr.Anna Laura Palazzo

Engineer, Associate Professor in Urban Planning at ‘Rome Tre’ University of Rome, National Scientific Qualification (ASN) as Full University Professor in the sector Urban and land planning and design. Ph.D. in Town and Country Planning and M.S. Degree in Investigation and Restoration of Monuments. Senior researcher or coordinator in national and international research projects (Med, COST, Marie Curie, Erasmus +) dealing with regional development, urban regeneration, landscape planning.

Masdar Institute Abu Dhabi

Dr. Elie Azar


Assistant professor in the Sustainable Critical Infrastructure program at Masdar Institute. His research focus is on optimizing the performance of the built environment in smart cities and communities. Dr. Azar has over five years of global experience as a construction engineer and building energy analyst in North America, the Middle East, and Europe. His work has been internationally recognized at several occasions, most recently in the 2013 Best Paper Award at the ASCE Workshop on Computing in Civil Engineering, as primary author. Currently, he is the research advisor of seven masters and PhD students at Masdar Institute, and teaches classes on Sustainable Development and System Dynamics.

Dr.Praveen Maghelal


He has an interdisciplinary educational and professional background in Civil Engineering, Architecture, and Urban Planning. He has taught at the Florida Atlantic University and the University of North Texas before joining Masdar Institute in 2015. His research focuses on planning sustainable communities with sustainable modes of transportation. His work investigates the role of built-environment on sustainable and active modes of transportation, relationship of land use and transportation on healthy communities, and the relationship of land use on sustainable modes of transportation. His co-authored article won the Best Article Award from the Journal of American Planning Association.

Professionals (Workshops Commissioners) 

Hélène Streiff


Deputy Director General in charge of urban development in Champigny-sur-Marne. Lawyer and Training Planner . A spent most of his career in the Paris region. Drove a number of urban projects brownfield conversion, including the ZAC Saint Ouen Docks , one of the most important projects of the close suburbs of Paris ( 100ha ).

Emmanuel de La Masselière


He is specialized in strategy, marketing and development of territories. He is Director of Strategy and Development of the Public Development Establishment (EPA) Plain of France intervening north of Paris in three metropolitan centers of Plaine Commune , Le Bourget and Grand Roissy.

Plain France has the highest economic dynamics both and the biggest social problems of Ile de France

The EPA Plaine de France involves local communities , the region and the state.

Zineb Amrane


Directrice de Projets Aménagement et Développement                                                               

Etablissement Public d’Aménagement Plaine de France

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